Friday, October 13, 2017

Agnez Mo's music album "X" out now on spotify

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From this album, what's your favorite? I take 'Long as I get paid' as my favorite.
I am very proud of Agnez because of what she does. I am sorry my English is bad, but I am so happy to found Agnez's song on spotify, hope it'll on the top global 50..

I'll not go so far, let's listenit..

what do you think?
I am so excited to hear this song everyday.
Actually we can't download or buy it yet to apple store, I don't know why, but I really want to buy the song and I can play it everyday..

have fun

Monday, October 9, 2017

forex investation : week 3

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My last post are Indonesian, but I really wanna you know that not all forex are as horror as you think,
I know, maybe you ever try to trading on forex and me too not just you ever feel you hurt and desperation when we got floating loss,

but, we all know that we have no skill, we have no patient to do this trading, but now I found this broker that will help us to manage our money and make profit for us just for $100 at first.
This broker also provide us so many trading manager that will take care of our money, we just watching how our money move.

Yup, our money moving like floating profit or floating loss at the moment, but if the strategy manager was so brilliant, he just turn back to profit position.
this is not officially from the broker but this is pure from my opinion

how this broker works?
so many option there like another broker, you can trading by yourself of course all profit are yours, but what happen if you have no time to manage our opened trading? or we can read the situation it'll up or down?

this broker answer us,
we just need to do what we want to do, and the strategy manager works for us and for himself.
we invest our money, the money located on the broker, not on the trader so we have nothing to worry what if he steal our money, but the broker just copy-like system.

for the example,
we invest $100,
the strategy manager already have $1000,
when strategy manager open position, automatic we copying his position,
finally, when the the strategy manager get profit $10, we got $1 becouse our money just $100.
also the reverse.

I thing I am tell a story too long, so this is my trading profit this week,

and, at the deadline the strategy manager take 30% of my profit.
if you want to give a try,
please sign up with this link

HYIP halal?

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is HYIP (High yield Investment Program) halal? may be some of you (Muslim) thing about this, me too. I think about this all time when I was investing on that program.
I do not know the status of HYIP is halal or haram, but I'll share to you how HYIP works based on what I think. If you found something different please let me know by commenting down bellow.

First of all,
this program is not secure too, so if you want to try this program you should prepare your mental and ready to lost your money.

Imagine that you're A,
and me, I'll take B, I am B.
A invest $10,
B invest $100.

what happen then?
You'll got what they promise to you, for example 10% a week, and you'll get $0,1 a week, for saveral week until your money back full plus what they promise to you, but what happen to me?
I will never get my $100 because it's for you, the system runs like that.

not just some investor, they'll always make reviewer first, if they reviewers get their money they'll leave a god comment to you'all and you believe it until you invest your money on it.

so, please be care full of this internet world, someday it's very easy to get money, but someday it'll kills you with a poisonous sword.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Camila Cabello : Havana review

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Do you know the latest Camila's new song titled havana? have you download or buy it?
if the answer is no, i'll let you listen to the music while you read my post,

just play it....
it's free though.

for first time I listen to this music when I am on the office, I directly remember of camila's voice and I check the title and thesinger, bingo! this is Camila.
if you do not know, who Camila is, go to the google, and googling on there, who's Camila Cabello and you'll find the answer.

OK, back to the music,
this song makes my body moves without I realize it.
and Camila Young Thug add some verse of rap on it that makes this song so cool!

why I love this song?
first of all, this is Camila Cabello.
second, Camila's voice
next is about the lyrics.

you know what, half of my heart is in havana...
this is my first review of music, so I'll improve it on next post..
write down what you think about this song down bellow..

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Investasi dalam forex : Minggu 2

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dalam forum investasi forex kita yang sudah memasuki minggu ke-2 ini, ada yang sudah mendaftar?
Ok, mungkin masih butuh lebih banyak bukti ya. nama nya juga jual beli pasti gak jauh jauh sama yang nama nya untung dan juga rugi, apa lagi di forex.

nah, saya nih orang yang tidak bisa, tidak ngerti dan selalu rugi dalam forex, tapi nama nya pingin dapat penghasilan lebih, kalo cuma di tabung di bank aja malah habis, bukanya bertambah. yah, mengulang yang minggu 1 kemarin, investasi ini sangat transparan. 

kita titipkan uang kita pada manager yang berpengalaman, tidak perlu tiap menit tiap jam lihat trading kita, manager ini sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atas dana kita. pasti ada rugi sih, tapi resiko berbanding lurus dengan profit kan?

maka dari itu, kalau peluang resiko besar, peluang untung juga besar loh, 
OK, ini adalah record hasil trading atas uang saya, mari kita lihat 

bagaimana? tertarik?
follow link berikut !!